The grade of Venus and Neptune Personal Love and Heavenly Redemption
Just as the poisoned Snow White is revived by her Prince Charming, so Psyche is restored to life by her husband, Eros, who has been locked up in his mother’s house during Psyche’s ordeal. Eros now leaps into action, and pleads with Jupiter on behalf of his wife. Psyche is given a cup of ambrosia to drink so that she will become immortal like the gods. The insult to Aphrodite is removed by Psyche’s rise in status, and a lavish wedding feast is celebrated at Olympus. A daughter is born to Psyche and named Voluptas, or Pleasure.
Though Psyche succumbs to the sleep of death at the end of her quest, she is redeemed by the love of her husband. In the same way, we all long for a salvific force to release us from our human pain and problems. This redemptive wish is symbolized in astrology by the planet Neptune. Redemption can take many forms; some people find it in religion, others in creating artistic works of transcendent power and beauty. Neptune’s ethereal gifts can also be accessed through emotional healing, mystic sexual practices, and the quiet contemplation of Nature.
Venus in the natal chart reveals the arena where we experience the most pleasure, and also our capacity for loving relationships. In the Psyche myth, the high expression of Venus appears not in the vain and jealous goddess who bears her name, but in Psyche’s union with her husband and the birth of their child. The astrological placement of Venus shows us where we can take simple pleasure in the world around us, and what types of relationships nurture our Souls.
The individual grade of Venus and Neptune is recommended to clients who are active spiritual seekers. It can also be very illuminating for clients caught up in the realm of fantasy, and who perpetually pine away for their Prince or Princess Charming. The trick of this grade is striking the right balance between human desire (Venus) and spiritual beauty and perfection (Neptune). The grade of Venus and Neptune provides a focused look at how to harmoniously wed Heaven and Earth.
$60 for the individual grade, or $275 for the complete series of all five grades