Relationship astrology?
Perhaps there is no more popular topic within astrology than the mysteries of human relationship. Should I date a Libra or a Scorpio? Who is my perfect match? When will I meet my soulmate? Unfortunately, I have to tell you that astrology is not much good at answering those questions about predicting good partnerships.
Just as astrology for individuals can only comment generally on the types of work, relationships, experiences, and challenges that the individual will prefer, the astrology of any two charts can only show potentials and possibilities, not guarantees. For example, it’s not much use to you to contemplate the amazing chemistry that your chart has with Timothee Chalamet’s, if you’ve never met Timothee Chalamet. You could also have amazing “chart chem” with a more accessible love interest but be in a weird place in your life - say the Uranus opposition. You’re not in a mood to compromise or settle down, so the chart chem can’t do its job. You’re not open to it.
This is a long way of saying that the astrology of human relationships is an extraordinary tool for understanding the dynamics of established relationships. It’s also not a bad tool for determining attraction or affinity (but if you need to assess those things via a natal chart, then you’re already in trouble, in my opinion).
If you compare the charts of your family members, friends, and lovers to your own, you will discover many exciting “inter-aspects” that appear karmic in their significance. My father’s Saturn is exactly conjunct my Sun! My mother’s Venus is opposing my Moon! My boyfriend’s Mars is trine my Pluto! Most charts create some inter-aspects with each other, but it’s those relationships that develop over time (as with family members, with whom we often don’t have a choice about being in relationship) where we see the most potent realization of the inter-aspects and their potential.
Does that mean our family relationships are “fated” or karmic? In my opinion, it does. Astrology employs some circular logic here: the best evidence that your relationship is karmic is that it exists and it’s taking up space in your life. In other words, all relationships are karmic. Even the bad ones (maybe especially the bad ones). This certainly doesn’t mean that you’ve been fated to suffer, but perhaps you’re drawn to those Mars-Pluto types because you need a good education in managing power, passion, and personal autonomy in this lifetime.
In other words, you can’t do it wrong, when it comes to karma. Your relationships are going to be karmic no matter what. Your soulmates will find you if you’re even half-trying. You can absolutely create better and more fulfilling relationships, and manage toxic relationships (the ones we can’t get around, as with bosses and in-laws) with more grace. But much of that has to do with your own capacity for relationship, and perhaps very little to do with the Sun signs of your near and dear ones.
Learn the basic techniques!
In my upcoming Relationship Astrology class, I will teach you the major techniques that I use for both my “Love Potential” readings and “Couple’s Alchemy” readings. The class will include:
Techniques for assessing an individual’s relationship capacity and potential from their natal chart
A crash course in synastry, or the inter-aspects your chart creates with another person’s chart
An introduction to the composite chart, or the new chart that is created when your natal chart is “averaged” with another person’s
Four live discussion classes, for answering your questions and analyzing relationship charts as a group
Relationship chart images for you and one person of your choosing
Class materials for Week 1 will go out January 27th, but our first meeting won’t be until Sunday, February 2nd. We will meet over Zoom for discussion from 10am-noon Pacific time, and continue for the next three Sundays. Each week you will receive a recorded lecture by me, along with some supplemental readings and learning aids. The modules will be given as follows:
Week 1: Assessing relationship capacity (discussion on February 2nd)
Week 2: Basic synastry (discussion on February 9th)
Week 3: The composite chart (discussion on February 16th)
Week 4: Bringing it all together with famous example charts
(discussion on February 23rd)
The price, you’ll find, is a steal, since I am continuing in the vein of my introductory astrology series at PRS and offering this as a low-cost community program. Register for this crash course in relationship astrology for only $125! PayPal link below, or contact me for other options.
The Relationship Astrology class is open to intermediate astrology students with a working knowledge of signs, houses, and planetary aspects. The house system I use is Placidus and the style of astrology I practice is Western/ Evolutionary. Ambitious beginners are welcome, but unfortunately I won’t be able to pause to explain basic astro vocab. Anyone who went through my beginner series at PRS should consider themselves prepared and feel especially welcome to join! I will make the discussion recordings available for those who can’t attend live, though I encourage you to make room in your calendar to get the most out of the class.
Is it worth it?
Relationship astrology will really make your head spin, trying to hold in mind facts like how your partner’s Sun trines your Moon, but your Sun makes an inconjunct to his Moon! Believe me when I say that synastry is the most technically challenging of all the astro work that I do. However, it’s absolutely within the reach of the intermediate astrology student, and also highly rewarding. You’ll learn things like why the Sun-Neptune relationship might drain and confuse you, while the Sun-Mars relationship stimulates you to shine. You’ll marvel at how the composite chart seems to explain the “fated” romance that nothing in the synastry can account for. You’ll understand your friends, children, and co-workers better. You might even (gasp!) realize that sometimes you are part of the problem, given the unique relationship potential and capacity we all possess.
I foster a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere, and one of the things I’m really excited to do in this class is explode astrology’s heavily gendered origins when it comes to romantic coupling. Almost all my books about the astrology of relationships use language like “in a man’s chart, Venus represents the type of woman he’s attracted to” (my very favorite example of this, from a very old book, gives Rock Hudson as an example).
We’re going to get way, way beyond that idea and dive into the fact that Venus is the image of the beloved no matter your gender or sexual orientation. And also contemplate the reality that in certain cases, Venus might not enter heavily into the chart native’s coupling profile at all.
Thanks for reading this far, and please reach out with any questions you may have. I hope to see you in class!