Happy Tuesday All!
This is just a quickie post to help promote the Olde World Bazaar at Paper Moon Photo Studio this Friday, April 26th, at 543 Blair Boulevard (former home of Olive Juice). Organic darkwave artists, Black Magdalene, will be playing a special acoustic set - you won't want to miss it! (click here for flier)
The Kate's Magik Anointing Oils
I'll be giving short talks on natural perfume throughout the evening, and exposing you to the sensuous world of Kate's Magik, a small, woman-owned company out of Tucson. I actually contacted Kate about hand-selling her products in a small group environment such as this, since I find her blends to be so healing, alive, and effective in directing personal power. Kate uses only high-quality, natural essential oils in a base of almond oil and Vitamin E, so that her products can be applied directly to the skin or used in the bath. She also "magics" or reikis all of the products with intention prior to distribution.
As a long-time customer and former employee of Whole Foods Market, I always enjoyed Kate's Magik Anointing Oils, since they retail for only $15 and thus are a cost-effective way for targeting a particular issue or manifesting a new state of being. The Anointing Oils are meant to be worn often, to keep the wearer in mindfulness of her magical goal. Unlike many aromatherapy compositions which can smell harsh or medicinal, each of the twenty Anointing Oils smells as lovely as a fragrant perfume. Blended with knowledge of both aromatherapy and ancient magical lore, the Anointing Oils are a perfect marriage of the principles of beauty and healing.
In my Kate's Magik home parties, I have taken to using the Tarot trumps or major arcana as a fun way of introducing this unique line. But since there are 22 trumps and only 20 Anointing Oils, it didn't really feel like a complete system. Yesterday, however, I received Kate's Sacred Oils in the mail, and these blends just perfectly fit the energy of the two unaccounted-for cards in the Tarot trumps. I'll be doing more with the Tarot on Friday night, but for now here's a key for finding the right Anointing or Sacred Oil for yourself using the Tarot. The name of the Tarot trump in caps is followed by the name of the Kate's Magik product in italics. Enjoy!
THE FOOL: Fertility. The Fool represents a state of pure potential, and the non-attachment and faith that precede earthly manifestation. This oil assists in planting seeds for future birth.
THE MAGICIAN: Creativity & Performance. The Magician card tells us that we have all the power to manifest a personal vision. Deep wood and earth notes remind us to stay connected to the physical plane to bring this vision to fruition.
High Priestess in the Nefertari Deck
THE HIGH PRIESTESS: Meditation & Trance. Trance-inducing Frankincense and Sandalwood awaken one’s capacity to see “beyond the veil” of everyday consciousness, and to access the hidden realms of intuition and prophecy that are signified by the High Priestess.
THE EMPRESS: Venus. Sensuous florals and spice invite the touching and physical abundance represented by this earthy card.
THE EMPEROR: Break Patterns & Addictions. Whenever we break a habit, we are simultaneously developing a new one – swapping our “smoke break” for fifteen minutes of yoga, for example! The Emperor’s principles of order and regulation fit well with this oil’s focus on establishing new routines.
Hierophant card in the Tarot of Prague
THE HIEROPHANT: Archangel Michael. This “Pope” card appears when we need the guidance of established traditions. The Archangel Michael has a long history within many major world religions, and also within occult orders as an “ascended master.” This oil invites attunement with the angelic protector.
THE LOVERS: Sweet Marriage. This lovely blend of Jasmine and Sweet Orange promotes harmonious union and romance.
THE CHARIOT: Clarity & Focus. Solar oils of Rosemary and Citrus strengthen the will to narrow one’s focus to the achievement of a particular goal.
STRENGTH: Fearlessness & Confidence. The Strength card in the Tarot does not refer to besting an opponent, but rather to finding the endurance and inner resources we need to tackle a difficult situation. Spicy Ginger and lush Vanilla instill courage and self-esteem.
The Wheel of Fortune in the Ancient Tarot of Lombardy
THE HERMIT: Eros. At first glance, the Greek god of love and the solitary nature of the spiritual seeker or Hermit do not make a natural match. Yet it is the unique properties of Sandalwood oil which bridge these two ideas. Sandalwood has long been compared to male sexual fluid and used for sexual healing. It is also a lunar oil and very effective in promoting introspection and meditation.
THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE: Letting Go. We try so hard to control our destinies, while the goddess Fortune makes other plans for us. This is a great oil for releasing control when the tide turns against our will, and when we must recognize and honor the actions of Fate.
JUSTICE: Woman See Bright. Though this oil was formulated for women in hormonal flux, men may also benefit from its clarifying properties. Clary Sage and Jasmine balance the energy of mind and heart, assisting us in making decisions which must take into account both human and natural law.
HANGED MAN: Healing. Healing takes time and cannot be rushed. Healing a trauma to the body, mind, or heart is a matter of internal rhythms, patience, and receptivity. This Lavender-based blend helps us accept the “suspended animation” signified by the Hanged Man card, when we need a time-out to recover.
Temperance in the Medieval Scapini Tarot
DEATH: Uncrossing. One of the most infamous cards in the Tarot, Death more often refers to the speedy end of an entangled situation, habit, or relationship, than to a physical death. This potent, astringent blend can assist you in bringing closure to any area of your life where you are feeling hexed and vexed!
TEMPERANCE: Quan Yin. This powerful, sacred oil promotes the divine compassion of its namesake, the East Asian Goddess of Mercy. The Temperance card calls for us to see our situation with the distanced eyes of a cosmic perspective, instead of the hot passion of human feeling. Ideal for bringing peace, compromise, and forgiveness to conflict.
THE DEVIL: Sensual Lust & Passion. The Devil shows up whenever we are mired in the concerns of the material world and the desires of the flesh. And sometimes, that’s right where we need to be! Heavy florals and deep woods awaken the passions and attract lovers.
Star card in the Thoth deck
THE TOWER: Peace & Purification. Another feared card in the Tarot, the Tower represents those times in life when existing structures must be razed to clear the path for new growth. With soothing Lavender and Chamomile, this is a great oil for recovering from a shock or trauma, and for integrating change.
THE STAR: Healing of the Heart. The Star card represents the return of faith and inspiration after a long internal darkness. This oil helps us to recover from a break-up or betrayal; restorative Rose mends the heart and lets us trust again.
THE MOON: Moon Goddess. Kate’s aptly named oil promotes the best kind of “lunacy,” or the non-rational work of dreaming, fantasy, and vision. Perfect for Full Moon ceremonies and plumbing the storehouse of the collective unconscious.
THE SUN: Sun of Success. The Sun in both astrology and the Tarot signifies those times when inner nature is perfectly in tune with outward success. This blend of traditional solar oils insures the approbation of the outer world when you express your true self.
The World card in the Rider-Waite deck
JUDGMENT: Isis & Rebirth. The Judgment card appears when we receive a divine calling, and also when we are absolved of past sins and reborn to new life. An ancient goddess of rebirth, resurrection, and reincarnation, Isis elevates us to the divine realms where transformation is possible. Delicious Vanilla and Rose in this blend perform an alchemy of the heart.
THE WORLD: Prosperity. The last Tarot trump represents total fulfillment and integration, those times when we witness the varied threads of our lives woven together in seamless harmony. Kate’s Prosperity oil invites this spiritual and material richness, with the lush and lucky scent of Basil, that “King” of herbs.